Magha - The Mighty and Ugra Nakshtra

Magha Nakshatra is a krura or ugra nakshatra which can be related to cruel or fierce activities.
Magha USP:
Have power of experiencing OBE/ityage kshepani shakti/Spiritual liberation
Magha +++
Magha bestows brightness, prosperity, power and victory with the masses.
Magha people are
- big hearted
- devoted to those they love
- respect tradition and rituals
- are movie actors and stage performers
Magha Shadow side
- arrogance, racial superiority, prejudice and identification with class status.
- chronic discontent
- Self-doubt
Ascendant in Magha
- Devoted to God and forefathers
- Wealthy, has servants
- Receives praise,
respected - Susceptible to allurements of sex
- Deep-rooted dislike for certain people
Moon in Magha
- Honored and recognized by learned people
- Worship of gods and ancestors
- Involved in some important
mystical work - Enterprising, enjoys life, charitable
Physically strong, hot tempered
SUN in Magha
- Leadership, authority positions
- Entertainer, musical, seeks attention
- Kingly, proud nature
- Adventurous spirit, love of travel
- Connected to a spiritual lineage
Magha Career Interests
- Politicians, lawyers
- Heads of corporations
- Actors, musicians
- Archaeologists, historians
- Self Employed
Magha Health Issues
- Hypertension
- Heart problems
- Stomach, ulcers
- Skin problems around
Inspired from the book: Muhurta, Shaktis of the Nakshatra and Myths and symbols of the Vedic astrology.